The Return to Wonder



We all create our own meaning and purpose.

All are equally valid, and all just as equally invalid.

Play whatever theater fate calls; none are ultimately real.




You keep seeking rhyme and reason.

You keep seeking meaning and purpose.

There may be nothing but what you imagine.

Is not the sweetness of breath gift enough?





Meaning and purpose are concocted in the unfolding of moment-to-moment experiencing.




Meaning and purpose are interwoven with self-imagery.




We attach so much vain meaning and purpose to the individual persona.




Of meaning and purpose, there is none but what is imagined.





You want, you seek, meaning and purpose, yet cannot discern it but through imaginary puffery.




What is this need so many have,

For one meaning and purpose or another?

How is it that this ineffable existence is not enough?





What meaning and purpose need there be but whatever moment this matrix illusion has provided?




If you insist on having meaning and purpose, let it be whatever the moment calls.




It has the meaning and purpose your state of mind gives it.


* * * *

Organized religion convinces the pawns,

They will someday achieve meaning and purpose,

And perchance be adored, even saved,

By their imaginary friend.




The martyr cries out for meaning and purpose.




How do you sustain so much meaning and purpose?





Does a dull lump of unshaped clay adorn itself with meaning and purpose?

Only that which it is fashioned into, would ever play out such imagined vanity.




Realize that all meaning and purpose is crafted in your mind.

It is all your creation, your speculation, your collusion.

It is not verifiable in any way or shape or form.

Pretend what you will, all identification,

Is a surreal, momentary dream.

You are proof of that.




Meaning and purpose? This right-here-right-now moment is it.




All meaning and purpose,

Is in whatever is kaleidoscoping this right here, right now,

And it is gone before You know it.





Doubt all meaning and purpose, until the futility of meaning and purpose, becomes absolutely clear.


* * * *

Still looking for meaning and purpose? Wise up.




That which You truly are,

Is all the meaning and purpose there is.

Everything else, is but insatiable vanity and greed.





Life is but a swirl of dust with a filament of absorbing imagination

To delude itself into believing one meaning and purpose or another.




Looking for meaning and purpose? For a raison d'être?

Well, good luck conjuring that for long, or even at all.




All creation is the vapor of light and sound.

Meaning and purpose is born of the eternal now.




Other than life being the mystery it is,

There has never really been a tangible point to it.

And within all of it, the amusing irony, of all our vain attempts,

Of giving it every conceivable meaning and purpose.





As meaningless and purposeless as it is to say it, You are the meaning and purpose.