Breadcrumbs 2021




How can something be either ‘meant’ to happen or ‘not meant’ to happen?

It simply does or does not; there is no higher power moving you about some chessboard.

Only vanity contrives deities to give meaning and purpose to a mystery that is oblivious to any and all.


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If you are of a contemplative, reflective, pondering, meditative nature,

Cease hunting for meaning and purpose, knowledge and wisdom, in this world or any other.

It is nothing but the ceaseless distraction of a quantum dream.

Journey the still abyss within.


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How can time be wasted if there is no such thing?

Only vanity would ever contrive meaning and purpose.


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How can there be any more meaning and purpose to existence,

Than giving complete attention and right response,

To the passing moment, ever the same?


* * * *

The deities, singular or plural, were all fabricated by the mind of humankind.

They are vanity’s narcissistic-hedonistic need for meaning and purpose.

For some raison d'etre for this often banal, often painful existence.

For validation of the unquenchable craving for the unattainable more.





Enjoying what you do is meaning and purpose enough.