Breadcrumbs 2022




What is this craving of our kind for meaning and purpose?

Why is it that existence, that the next breath, is not gift enough?


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If existence has meaning and purpose,

Then surely at the top of the list, is to wake up,

To the awareness prior to consciousness, that you truly are.

The distractions are many; narcissism and hedonism are in their sway.

Few have the interest or wit to suspend the algorithm of the given nature-nurture.

For most, to even once, doubt all things, to even once, peer behind the veil,

Is so beyond the realm of possibility, that only fools brood over it.

And even if every human being, was somehow to awaken,

You would still be pure, unadulterated awareness,

Peering out upon the mystery, totally alone.


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Existence does not require meaning and purpose; it is the meaning and purpose.

The quest for more-more-more draws all into the insatiable rabbit hole of imagination.

But if pretending, if make-believe, is the lie, the delusion, that keeps you slogging, so be it.

Truth will still be here if any inkling of doubt is ever enough to be drawn back into its awareness.


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Why has humankind created so many deities,

So many paradises, so many purgatories, of every variety and ilk?

Because the ever-churning imagination, required meaning and purpose, rhyme and reason,

To explain the inexplicable, to battle the futility, to lessen the fear of oblivion,

That followed them like shadows, in the jungles of long ago.


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Who is the perceiver but the one in all.

Who said there must be meaning and purpose?

Who said this mystery has to make sense?





There is no meaning and purpose but what the usurper, imagination, arbitrarily concocts.


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Who said there must be meaning and purpose?