Breadcrumbs 2020




Time is a creation of the human mind.

The timeless moment is all there is.

All meaning and purpose is illusion.

Only the mind moves the clock’s hands.

Only the mind travels the calendar’s pages.

Only the mind measures all things imaginable.

Only the mind imagines its world, its universe, real.


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All religion, all spirituality, is nothing more than the drivel

That individuals and groups incessantly drone on and on about

To give their tawdry lives meaning and purpose where there is none.

Massive piles of hooey-balooey inanity to occupy otherwise empty minds.


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The endpoint of the philosophical quest,

Is the realization that there is no meaning and purpose,

Other than what the moment offers, other than what the moment calls for.

It is the vain therapy of fools seeking a greater that is not.


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The drive of life to sustain itself is the only real meaning and purpose.

Without it, nothing: zero, nil, zilch, void, extinction, annihilation, oblivion.


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Did something happen for a reason? Or did something just happen to happen?

Fallacies are mistaken beliefs, especially ones based on unsound argument.

Piecing together things to give meaning and purpose where none exist.

Mind is good at connecting dots, but often into great absurdities;





What meaning and purpose can be attached to that which is timeless?


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Meaning and purpose are the spice of imagination.


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Meaning and purpose are lies; embrace the futility.





Spent life looking for meaning and purpose until I finally realized there is none.

That the entire human drama and the dreamtime in which it is set,

 Is but an illusion, a game rigged for delusion.