Breadcrumbs 2015




All meaning and purpose is born of imagination.

All very temporal, very brief persuasions, at best.


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Meaning and purpose are nothing more than vain notions,

To which self-consciousness has subscribed since its origin.


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Where is any god, any deity, but in the innate primal recesses of imagination’s origin,

And its need for there to be some meaning and purpose for this inexplicable existence,

As if the inexplicable existence, the existential fray, is in itself not raison d'être enough.


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Consciousness is really nothing more,

Than the lightning strikes given meaning and purpose,

Along the neuron trails of the brain.


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The quantum mystery will pretend

Whatever meaning and purpose you vainly imagine,

And not even one scintilla of it ultimately real or important all the while.


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Standing for nothing is the only way to avoid the very common human delusion,

That existence has some paramount meaning and purpose, that values are authentic and true,

That morals, that ethics, are more than just vain inventions of a species, that has yet to come to terms,

With the reality, that they are but temporal consequences of evolutionary happenstance.


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Still searching for meaning and purpose?

Cannot you hear them giggling and twittering

As they scamper through the passages of your mind?


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Why would truth ever require meaning and purpose,

When it already is and is not, has ever and never been, will ever and never be,

All the meaning and purpose consciousness might ever prescribe.





The quantum indivisibility, given meaning and purpose, however temporary it may be.


* * * *

Meaning and purpose, why?